Welcome to virgins!!! Please keep in mind that we are here for fun... We want to be known for being respectful, friendly and especially fun!!! Most of all... We would love for all of our cast and guests to be able to enjoy our shows and events... Here are some guidelines to ensure that we all can share in an amazing experience together...
Theater Etiquette
Room Rules:
Kbs limits – 1800kbs or below if not performing
Vbs/trigger limits – no triggering of animations or vbs while performances are running
Gifting – no gifting while performances are running
Fit changes – no changing fits while performances are running
Allowance of non sanctioned Virgin performances are only during open mic and never during shows and event nights or rehearsals
Any modified performances must be made aware to the audience before and after the performance... that would include any modifications or changes made outside of performance customization
BRB – no parking or going brb in performance positions
* whispered warning, chat warning then boot after adequate time has been allowed for slow loadings
Invites – stagger invites to reduce loading lag, no mass invites, whisper the stage manager or director if you are not sure it is safe to invite your guests
Performer Expectations:
All events and shows are voluntary
To be eligible to perform you must agree to abide by the following in it's entirety:
All performers must be ready to perform and available at the show call time (not the show event time)
All performers must be available and ready to perform on the dates and times they sign up for (this includes rehearsals)
All performers must adhere to the VGR at all times
All performers must adhere to and help enforce theater etiquette and room rules
All performers must adhere to the Virgin Marketing tactics
All performers must be willing and available to perform any role requested of them by the stage directors and managers
All performers must invite guests to shows and events they are participating in and providing their guest information directly to Myst by the end of the show via inbox messaging
Reminder: These shows and events are meant to be fun for everyone and entertain all of our guests here in imvu so all roles are equally important
Cast check-ins:
Cast wishing to perform in a show or event will report at least 30 mins prior to curtain time for a mandatory meeting at which the show manager and director will go over performance line-ups...
The lineup is subject to change at the discretion of the stage manager or director based on those present at the time of check-in....
Those that do not check in while the lineup is being created will not perform at that show...
It is your responsibility to be prompt...
If you are going to be late notify the stage director and management immediately as your assistance would be greatly appreciated and you will be advised what that assistance will be at the time of your arrival...
Chances are you will be asked to be a backup or asked to assist in the usher/host room if one is in use...
(Side Note)
If unable to attend scheduled rehearsals and need or require assistance in preparation for shows or events please schedule that with the stage directors or managers...
Please be considerate of their time and keep those appointments...
If you are unable to keep your commitments, please be courteous and notify those involved of your need to cancel as soon as you know you are unable to attend...
Virgins Marketing:
Promote Virgins on profile card and homepages
(See Nats for how to add links and emulators for Virgins to your homepage.)
Promote Virgin Events on Pulse
Turn Locators on while performing at rehearsals, shows, events and/or parties
I can't stress enough the importance of our marketing tactics and please also refer back to the “professional note” in the Virgin Golden Rules if necessary.
Rules for shows, events and/or parties not hosted by Virgins
(Should go without saying that these rules also apply to Virgin shows and events)
Be polite and professional to the host
Be prompt and on time if not early for the events
Be a perfect example and follow all event rules even if everyone else is not doing so.
If you must leave early, be discrete and do not draw unnecessary attention to your departure.
Be supportive of all performers
Always thank the host/hostess for your attendance and for allowing us to represent our organization at their event.